2016/2020 GOP primary pool

Handicapping the 2016/2020 GOP presidential primary

The game: Both JAS and PJS ante $200, to be spent bidding on GOP primary candidates for the next election without an eligible incumbent GOP president (likely either 2016 or 2020). JAS and PJS take turns putting candidates up for auction. Both players then bid, and the player with the higher bids "gets" that candidate at the midpoint of the two bids. The initial draft lasts 100 rounds. Money not spent on the initial draft is carried over, to be used in subsequent supplemental drafts. The person putting forth a candidate is required to bid at least $.10 on that candidate.

The scoring: Candidates earn points upon reaching certain milestones related to the 2016/2020 GOP primary:

If JAS earns A points and PJS B points, JAS earns $400*A/(A+B), while PJS earns $400*B/(A+B).

The draft: the results of the draft are below.

Draft results

Price PJS JAS Price
$.38 Jeff Duncan Mike J. Rogers $.36
.82 Fred Karger Danny Rehberg .34
.38 Mike Crapo Tim Scott .82
5.77 Mitt Romney Devin Nunes .54
.58 Joe Wilson Mick Mulvaney .33
27.09 Chris Christie Sean Parnell .70
.39 Ron Paul Jan Brewer 1.53
.80 Sam Brownback Ben Quayle .20
3.86 Scott Walker John Kasich 4.69
.36 Glenn Beck Mark Kirk .77
4.12 Jim Demint Paul LePage .28
12.24 Rick Santorum Jeff Flake 1.74
.11 Marcus Bachmann Joe Heck .34
2.06 Herman Cain David Petreus 1.99
2.81 Scott Brown Jason Chaffetz .44
.22 Wayne Allard Nikki Haley 5.20
.28 Jim Nussle Jon Huntsman .54
.10 Rodney Alexander Lincoln Chafee .11
.38 Robert Aderholt Marco Rubio 16.56
1.78 Jim Talent Jeb Bush 10.67
16.98 Sarah Palin Chris Gibson .31
.19 Steve Austria Robert Bentley .15
.30 Spencer Bachus Dean Heller 1.11
.20 Rob Bishop Steve Womack .31
.54 Paul Broun Mary Fallin .74
1.07 John Bolton Adrian Smith .34
.38 Ann Marie Buerkle Frank Giunta .38
4.89 Luis Fortuño Mike Pence 7.29
7.35 Eric Cantor Jeb Hensarling .68
.29 Shelly Moore Capito Mike DeWine .33
1.42 Bill Owens Condi Rice 2.44
.24 John Carter Sandy Adams .34
.31 Mike Coffman Todd Akin .40
.20 Erick Erickson Bob Riley .38
.31 Jo Ann Emerson Bill Graves .69
1.68 Rick Snyder Pete Wilson .10
11.67 Rand Paul John Engler .89
.28 Bob Goodlatte Matt Blunt 1.72
1.18 Donald Trump Jim Douglas 1.20
.34 Michelle Malkin Rick Berg .47
8.42 Newt Gingrich Gus Bilirakis .29
.29 Andy Harris Tom Ridge .59
.35 Vicky Hartzler Haley Barbour .37
5.32 John Thune Diane Black .17
.10 Sam Johnson Marsha Blackburn .48
.10 Roscoe Bartlett Stephen Colbert .33
.22 Water Jones, Jr. Susana Martinez 4.68
15.56 Paul Ryan Dave Camp .45
5.11 Bobby Jindal Allen West 2.63
.10 Mike McIntyre Ken Cuccinelli 2.61
.25 Doug Lamborn Sonny Perdue .32
.22 James Lankford Joe Walsh .41
1.22 Kelly Ayotte Mike Conaway .28
.20 Donald Manzullo Geoff Davis .15
1.07 Thad McCotter Butch Otter .26
.46 Joe Manchin Rick Scott .90
.26 Alan Nunnelee Renee Ellmers .41
.22 Steve Pearce Brian Sandoval 1.72
.10 Joe Pitts Stephen Fincher .35
.44 Connie Mack IV Virginia Foxx .27
.29 Reid Ribble Pat Toomey 2.59
.26 Ed Royce Trent Franks .41
.35 Mike D. Rogers Scott Garrett .37
.34 Dennis A. Ross Louie Gohmert .42
.25 Steve Scalise Phil Gingrey .29
.51 Aaron Schock George LeMieux .43
1.13 Bill Haslam Dan Coats .33
2.29 Rick Perry Tim Griffin .33
Gregg Harper .29
Morgan Griffith .29
Rush Limbaugh .48
Bob McDonnell 6.77
Rob Portman 4.47
Bill Huizenga .38
Tim Huelskamp .37
John Boozman .46
Jerry Moran .40
Ann Coulter .44
Lisa Murkowski .25
David Vitter .22
Randy Hultgren .37
Bill Johnson .31
Jim Jordan .39
Steve King .36
Jack Kingston .35
Carly Fiorina .32
Tim Pawlenty 1.62
Mitch Daniels 4.38
Mike Huckabee 7.96
Randy Forbes .38
John Kline .31
Bob Latta .40
Mike Johanns 1.09
Roger Wicker .38
Richard Burr 1.63
Mike Enzi .28
John Barraso .40
Mike Rounds .60
Jeff Sessions .39
Patrick McHenry .43
Gary Miller .31
Jeff Miller .33
Randy Neugebauer .29
Mike Lee .77
Kristi Noem 1.24
Abel Maldonado .33
Kim Guadagno .26
Dave Spence .34
Ovide Lamontagne .26
Eric Paulsen .32
Terry Jones .42
Bill Bolling .22
Ken Bennett .27
Jon Bruning .32
Mike Pompeo .35
Tom Price .27
Jaime Herrera .35
Tom Corbett 1.82
Dave Reichart .39
Phil Roe .17
Mary Bono Mack .39
Michael Williams .51
Martha Roby .42
Scott Rigell .50
Matt Mead .82
Terry Branstad .84
Peter Roskam .43
Phil Bryant .47
Dave Heineman .46
Jack Dalrymple .46
Dennis Daugaard .93
Robert Schilling .42
$159.78 Total bid Total bid $144.11


Points JAS PJS Points
0 Total points Total points 0
$0.00 Dollars Dollars $0.00